On the date of 21/5/2023, the Project Management Board of Nam Xe HPP have coordinated with other related parties including EPC Contractor (SCI E&C JSC), Lai Chau Power Company, Northern Electrical Testing One Member Co., Ltd and Northern Regional Load Dispatch Center to successfully complete the interconnection, technical testing and energization for the 110kV substation and transmission line of Nam Xe HPP.
The power shall be transmitted through the 110kV transmission line of Nam Xe HPP, transiting via the 110kV transmission line of Nam Pac 2 - Muong So 2 HPP and fed into the national grid. The timely completion of such substation ensures the achievement of plant’s commissioning & commercial operation target.
As planned, Nam Xe HPP will complete the testing, commissioning, and achieve COD date in early June/2023.
The power shall be transmitted through the 110kV transmission line of Nam Xe HPP, transiting via the 110kV transmission line of Nam Pac 2 - Muong So 2 HPP and fed into the national grid. The timely completion of such substation ensures the achievement of plant’s commissioning & commercial operation target.
As planned, Nam Xe HPP will complete the testing, commissioning, and achieve COD date in early June/2023.