


Ahead of Schedule for 90 day & night campaign at Nam Sam 3

The main dam of Nam Sam 3 Hydropower Plant has completed the +536.00m elevation with the guaranteed safety and quality and 11 days ahead of the 90-day campaign. This is the clearest evidence for the determination of all SCI E&C experts, officials, engineers and workers at the project to early reach the deadline.

The 90 day and night campaign of concrete completion on the Main Dam to EL536m was launched by the Board of Directors of SCI E&C from April 1st to June 30th, 2022 with the goal of completing the elevation 521m - 536m. Right after receiving the campaign, 14 SCI E&C teams have quickly prepared the ready equipment, machinery, supplies and all human resources to "get in" with the goal with the safety first.

With the urgent day and night efforts, on June 19, after only 79 days of implementing the Campaign, the 521m -536m elevation with a total volume of 164,000 m3 was completed and ensured the absolute safety.

Said by Mr Nguyen Tai Son – hydropower expert: "The progress milestones, with the completion of the marked dam elevation, shall determine the completion of the overall progress of the entire project. Therefore, it can be seen that this is an important goal to exceed the general progress. Refer to the quality control documents at the site and the Employer’s Engineer’s evaluation, the entire volume of constructed RCC has satisfied with the quality requirements"

The main dam of Nam Sam 3 Hydropower Plant (Houaphan, Laos) was constructed by SCI E&C using RCC technology - the presently most advanced roller compacted concrete technology. The main dam with total RCC volume is 907,046 m3, the dam height HMax = 121.7m and crest length is 321.40m. In 2022, SCI E&C aims to complete 90% of the project main dam.

Several images at the Main Dam:

Three consecutive shifts on the main dam of Nam Sam 3 project with 14 teams and nearly 600 experts, engineers, and SCI E&C workers
Hydropower expert’s direct instructions on Nam Sam 3 site
Numerous modern cranes, excavators, compactors etc. mobilized with the goal of completing the Main Dam